displaying 151 - 161 records in total 161

The Last Star in the Universe – Red Dwarfs Explained
- Published_at:2016-01-31
- Category:Education
- Channel:Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell
- Ranked in:
- tags: red dwarf universe heat death end of the universe death space sun star physics astronomy life cycle hydrogen helium humans earth aliens alien life exoplanet gas giant super earth white dwarf black dwarf life last star funny kurzgesagt in a nutshell future
- description: The last star in the universe will be a red dwarf. Red dwarfs in general might be great places to look for aliens – or planets for humans to find a new home after our solar system has died. Support us on Patreon so we can make more stuff (and get...
- Video details

What Is Something?
- Published_at:2015-12-23
- Category:Education
- Channel:In a Nutshell – Kurzgesagt
- Ranked in:
- tags: particle physics physics something funny wtf particle everything quarks bosons electron leptons universe human field higgs game 2015 space star earth death life sleep question standart modell quantum mechanics atom molecule ai
- description: What is something? On the most fundamental level thinkable, what are things? Why are things? And why do things behave the way they do? Support us on Patreon so we can make more stuff (and get cool wallpapers): https://www.patreon.com/Kurzgesagt?ty=h ...
- Video details

Black Holes Explained – From Birth to Death
- Published_at:2015-12-15
- Category:Education
- Channel:In a Nutshell – Kurzgesagt
- Ranked in:
- tags: black hole universe space cosmos earth death black Astronomy (Field Of Study) black hole sun explained sun documentary star eating bomb birth devour ending footage gravity high supermassive news paradox physics videos pictures quasar radiation event...
- description: Black holes. Lets talk about them. Support us on Patreon so we can make more stuff: https://www.patreon.com/Kurzgesagt?ty=h Get the music of the video here: https://soundcloud.com/epicmountain/black-holes ...
- Video details

Quantum Computers Explained – Limits of Human Technology
- Published_at:2015-12-08
- Category:Education
- Channel:In a Nutshell – Kurzgesagt
- Ranked in:
- tags: quantum computer Quantum Computer (Literature Subject) computer quantum future qbit transistor module Computer Science (Field Of Study) Physics what is dwave explained 2015 documentary applications cern first google nasa logic gates mit funny ted work...
- description: Where are the limits of human technology? And can we somehow avoid them? This is where quantum computers become very interesting. Check out THE NOVA PROJECT to learn more about dark energy: www.nova.org.au Support us on Patreon so we can make more...
- Video details

How Facebook is Stealing Billions of Views
- Published_at:2015-11-10
- Category:Education
- Channel:In a Nutshell – Kurzgesagt
- Ranked in:
- tags: facebook video 8 billion video views views YouTube Awards (Award)
- description: Facebook just announced 8 billion video views per day. This number is made out of lies, cheating and worst of all: theft. All of this is wildly known but the media giant Facebook is pretending everything is fine, while damaging independent creators in...
- Video details

Everything We Think We Know About Addiction Is Wrong
- Published_at:2015-10-29
- Category:Education
- Channel:In a Nutshell – Kurzgesagt
- Ranked in:
- tags: Addiction drug Johann Hari drug war cocaine marihuana weed pot addict junkie Heroin (Drug) Crime war on drugs United States Of America (Country) Cannabis (Drug) rat rat park chasing the scream drugs funny life death overdose Medical Cannabis...
- description: What causes addiction? Easy, right? Drugs cause addiction. But maybe it is not that simple. This video is adapted from Johann Hari's New York Times best-selling book 'Chasing The Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs.' For more...
- Video details

What Is Light?
- Published_at:2015-10-15
- Category:Education
- Channel:In a Nutshell – Kurzgesagt
- Ranked in:
- tags: light physics photon wave visible light universe sun star speed of light particle energy funny earth magnet electromagnetism electron magnet field electric field science lights infographic kurzgesagt in a nutshell
- description: We are so used to some things that we stopped wondering about them. Like light. What is light? Some kind of wavy thing, right? Kind of. Short bonus video for the people waiting for new stuff. Music by: https://soundcloud.com/epicmountain/light...
- Video details

The European Refugee Crisis and Syria Explained
- Published_at:2015-09-17
- Category:Education
- Channel:In a Nutshell – Kurzgesagt
- Ranked in:
- tags: refugee crisis syria immigrant migrant muslim islam europe world arab turkey germany uk European Union Member States (Location) Politics (TV Genre) United Kingdom (Country) United States Of America (Country) England death children human rights funny...
- description: Why is the refugee crisis all over the news? How is this related to Syria? Why should we care at all? Donate to the United Nations Refugee Agency: http://donate.unhcr.org/international/general/#_ga=1.29610806.829388110.1441552177 The Syria / Iraq...
- Video details

What is Dark Matter and Dark Energy?
- Published_at:2015-08-06
- Category:Education
- Channel:In a Nutshell – Kurzgesagt
- Ranked in:
- tags: Dark Energy Dark Matter Energy (Industry) Condensed Matter Physics (Field Of Study)
- description: What is dark energy? What is dark matter? Well, if we knew exactly we would have a nobel prize – we know that they exist though. So what do we know about those strange things? Check out THE NOVA PROJECT to learn more about dark energy:...
- Video details

What if there was a black hole in your pocket?
- Published_at:2015-07-16
- Category:Education
- Channel:Kurz Gesagt - In a Nutshell
- Ranked in:
- tags: black hole death destruction gravity what if black hole sun universe sun planet facts Space milky way center wormhole eating a star forming explained collision creation consuming cosmos 2015 destroying star eats event horizon schwarzschild radius...
- description: What would happen to you if a black hole the size of a coin suddenly appeared in your pocket? Lets find out! Check out www.Quarksandcoffee.com for more stuff like this video! Original reddit askscience post: http://bit.ly/1fLEHi6 Kurzgesagt...
- Video details

The Death Of Bees Explained – Parasites, Poison and Humans
- Published_at:2015-07-09
- Category:Education
- Channel:Kurz Gesagt - In a Nutshell
- Ranked in:
- tags: Bee death bees dying collapse colony collapse disorder earth food disaster starvation toxin destruction humans Varroa destructor bee colony collapse honey honey bee mites Acarapis woodi Neonicotinoids pharma decline swarm sting queen beehive wasp bee...
- description: In 2015 the bees are still dying in masses. Which at first seems not very important until you realize that one third of all food humans consume would disappear with them. Millions could starve. The foes bees face are truly horrifying – some are a...
- Video details
displaying 151 - 161 records in total 161