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Everything Wrong With The Shape of Water
777K 22K 3.8K 15:21
Everything Wrong With The Shape of Water
  • Published_at:2018-04-19
  • Category:Film & Animation
  • Channel:CinemaSins
  • tags: the shape of water guillermo del toro cinemasins cinema sins everything wrong with eww movie mistakes review
  • description: Best Picture status has never stopped us from sinning a movie before, and it's not going to stop us now. Here are the sins of The Shape of Water. Next week: hero sins and snowy sins. Remember, no movie is without sin! Which movie's sins should we expose next?! Podcast: Sins Video Playlist: Tweet us: Reddit with us: Tumble us: Call us: 405-459-7466 Jeremy's book:
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2018-04-21 777,522 22,175 3,807 (Canada,#23)