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한국 과자를 처음 먹어본 미국인들의 반응?! // Americans React to Korean Snacks!!
- Published_at:2015-11-04
- Category:Comedy
- Channel:영국남자 Korean Englishman
- tags: Snack Food (Food)
- description: 여러분 안녕하세요!! 저랑 올리랑 앞으로는 더 재밌는 영상들 더 많이 만들고싶은데, 우리 둘이서 하기에는 힘들죠! 그래서 유튜브 같이 할 분 찾는데, 관심있다면 밑에 링크를 눌러서 영어로 신청해주세요: Hello! We (Ollie and Josh) would love to make more videos on Korean Englishman, but it’s hard with just the two of us! If you’re interested in joining the team and becoming a part of Korean Englishman then apply here: 이번 영상은 미국에서 만난 친구들이랑 이야기하면서 내가 사랑하는 한국 과자를 줘서 반응을 찍은 영상이에요! 초코파이는 미국에 있는 과자와 아주 비슷하다고 많이 들었는데, 다른 과자들은 애들한테 신세계였죠 ㅎㅎ 홈런볼 + 오징어땅콩 인기 폭발!!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 재밌게 보세요~~ ^^ In this weeks video we give Korean snacks to friends that we met in America, on our last trip to New York!! As some of you noticed in the last video, they're not all American, and some of them have lived in the UK for a while, but most of them are!! It was really interesting to see how they reacted to some snacks that they were more familiar with, and some others that were unlike anything they had ever had before! (squid balls FTW!) :) Enjoy!! Music: "Life of Riley" by Kevin Macleod (
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