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Sarah Silverman Roasts Joan Rivers and Other Dead Stars on SNL
80K 224 67 03:17
Sarah Silverman Roasts Joan Rivers and Other Dead Stars on SNL
  • Published_at:2014-10-05
  • Category:People & Blogs
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  • description: In light of snl comedian Joan Rivers’ recent passing, Sarah Silverman, this week’s Saturday Night Live guest host, put her on Joan Rivers hat and roasted stars who have also passed, including herself. In a panel format that took place in Heaven, Silverman started by poking fun at herself, and then moved on to Richard Pryor, Steve Jobs, Ava Gardner, Freddie Mercury, Benjamin Franklin, and Lucy Ball. Silverman took some jabs at Apple, Richard Pryor’s sex life (and her own), Benjamin Franklin’s sexuality, and the Kardashians. Watch the video below:
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2014-10-07 50,814 152 67 (Canada,#38)  (United Kingdom,#99) 
2014-10-08 80,202 224 56 (Canada,#54)