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Good teacher wows kids with practical examples #shorts
9.9M 114K 65 00:32
Good teacher wows kids with practical examples #shorts
  • Published_at:2024-09-29
  • Category:People & Blogs
  • Channel:I migliori trucchetti di Fabiosa
  • tags: good teacher wows kids practical examples inspiring kids education in action hands-on learning teacher goals classroom success teaching with impact learning made fun inspiring young minds engaging lessons creative teaching teacher inspiration empowering students inspiring the next generation teaching moments education matters practical learning wow factor in class
  • description: #GoodTeacher #PracticalLearning #InspiredTeaching #EducationInAction #InspiringKids #TeacherGoals #EngagingLessons #HandsOnLearning #TeachingWithImpact #InspiringTheNextGeneration #CreativeTeaching #ClassroomSuccess #TeacherInspiration #LearningMadeFun #EducationMatters #EmpoweringStudents #PracticalExamples #TeachingMoments #InspiringYoungMinds #WowFactorInClass
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2024-10-04 3,280,737 43,590 28 (Czech Republic,#16)  (Israel,#25)  (Poland,#16) 
2024-10-05 5,450,113 68,764 43 (Czech Republic,#13)  (Israel,#19)  (Poland,#28) 
2024-10-06 7,382,810 91,475 52 (Czech Republic,#15)  (Israel,#20) 
2024-10-07 9,358,176 110,151 62 (Czech Republic,#16)  (Israel,#29) 
2024-10-08 9,866,369 114,384 65 (Czech Republic,#24)