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I Bought The First 5 Things Insta Celebs Recommended To Me
2.1M 134K 4.1K 17:21
I Bought The First 5 Things Insta Celebs Recommended To Me
  • Published_at:2017-12-17
  • Category:People & Blogs
  • Channel:Safiya Nygaard
  • tags: i bought the first 5 things instagram celebrities recommended to me instagram celebrities instagram sponsored posts sponsored posts haul kardashians kylie jenner sugar bear hair instagram ad haul fit tea teatox tea detox instagram waist trainer teeth whitener fabfitfun box eyelash elixir safiya internet haul safiya nygaard safiya internet safia safiya ladylike safiya buzzfeed bachelor bachelorette teen mom reality tv stars reality tv
  • description: I've always wondered what the products were like from Instagram celebrities' sponsored posts - so I decided to take on the Fit Teas, Sugar Bear Hairs, and Waist Trainers and buy the first 5 things that Instagram celebrities recommended! I browsed the feeds of Kardashians, Jenners, and Bachelorettes, and found 5 sponsored posts to buy products from, and then tried them out for an entire month! What did you guys think of these products? Don’t forget to click the bell to turn on post notifications! Safiya's Nextbeat: IG: Twitter: Facebook: Assistant Editor: Emily Linden MUSIC Mind The Gap Bank Job Shafted Whiskey Attitude Oohs And Ahhs Bing Bang Bong Daddy Cool Big Spender It's On You Via Audio Network SFX Via AudioBlocks
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