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Anthony Neuer Converts the 7-10 Split During U.S. Open Stepladder Finals
121K 1.1K 209 01:27
Anthony Neuer Converts the 7-10 Split During U.S. Open Stepladder Finals
  • Published_at:2021-04-11
  • Category:Sports
  • Channel:PBABowling
  • tags: bowling professional bowlers association ten-pin bowling pba tour Anthony neuer 7-10 split
  • description: In the semifinal match of the 2021 U.S. Open, Anthony Neuer becomes the fourth player in PBA Tour history to convert the 7-10 split on television. Subscribe to the PBA on YouTube: #PBA
ranked in date views likes Comments ranked in country (#position)
2021-04-13 121,792 1,073 209 (all,#28)  (USA,#28)