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The RTX 3080 Benchmarks... do they even come close to expectations?
822K 57K 8.0K 20:08
The RTX 3080 Benchmarks... do they even come close to expectations?
  • Published_at:2020-09-16
  • Category:Science & Technology
  • Channel:JayzTwoCents
  • tags: 30 series gpu 30 series video card nvidia nvidia rtx rtx 3070 rtx 3080 rtx 3090 nvidia vs amd amd vs nvidia is the 3080 worth it is the 3090 worth it is the 3070 worth it should I buy a 3070 should i buy a 3080 should I buy a 3090 is nvidia worth it is amd worth it how much is rtx 3070 how much is 3080 how much is 3090 how much does a 3070 cost how much does a 3090 cost best video card 2020 3080 benchmark 3080 benchmarked
  • description: The RTX 3080 Benchmarks are in... so do they even come close to what we expected?? Learn more about the Eclipse p500A and p500A D-RGB cases here! Non-RGB - D-RGB - ○○○○○○ Items featured in this video available at Amazon ○○○○○○ ► Amazon US - ► Amazon UK - ► Amazon Canada - Get your JayzTwoCents Merch Here! - ••• Follow me on your favorite Social Media! ••• Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: SUBSCRIBE!
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