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賺錢和理想人生?一家三口存款五萬,客廳有榻榻米和日式地爐【誰來晚餐16-2】Guess Who: Aside From Money, I’ve Got Everything (eng sub)
702K 15K 1.8K 53:20
賺錢和理想人生?一家三口存款五萬,客廳有榻榻米和日式地爐【誰來晚餐16-2】Guess Who: Aside From Money, I’ve Got Everything (eng sub)
  • Published_at:2025-03-07
  • Category:People & Blogs
  • Channel:誰來晚餐 GuessWho
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  • description: 36歲的阿維和太太女兒一家三口住在金山,生活採取斷捨離、物質極簡路線。即使收入只剛好足夠每個月的支出,但夫妻倆不焦慮,很享受依山靠海的金山慢步調生活,夏天上屋頂曬太陽,冬天點燃柴燒暖爐。 ​ 現在的阿維覺得自己很富足,很好的家庭、舒適的房子.....除了錢,他想要的全擁有了。 ​ 過去,原生家庭的壓力,讓阿維比同齡人更早出社會,在都市裡自力更生,這些大大影響了他對於「家」的觀念.... ​ ​ In an Asian society obsessed with wealth and success, one family in Taiwan’s Jinshan dares to live on their own terms and has chosen a different path. A-wei, a 36-year-old ceramics factory worker and emerging ceramicist, and his wife A-xuan, a 37-year-old handmade soap entrepreneur, have crafted a cozy, minimalist home on a modest budget. These seekers of simple living have rejected the rat race and the endless chase for fortune, instead embracing a life of low desires and true contentment. In this episode, we meet A-wei, A-xuan, and their teenage daughter A-tong as they face the everyday challenges and unexpected rewards of living simply. What serendipitous encounter brought their paths together? Why did a once-cherished dream spiral into a regretful family saga? And how did A-wei's bitter childhood experiences nourish the soil for a sweet family home? Let’s dive in and find out! ​ ​ ​ ▶︎ 【除了錢,我什麼都擁有了】誰來晚餐16-2   Aside From Money, I’ve Got Everything  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  📍 3/07週五21:00  |YouTube誰來晚餐  |電視公視  |網路公視+ ​ ​ ​ ​ #金山 #低物慾 #持家 #陶藝 #誰來晚餐
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