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Etho MindCrack SMP - Episode 136: The Layout
183K 11K 2.0K 25:34
Etho MindCrack SMP - Episode 136: The Layout
  • Published_at:2013-12-01
  • Category:Gaming
  • Channel:EthosLab
  • tags:
  • description: Today check out some changes on the worker shack, start planning the layout for the pvp arena, and help zisteau out with a wither kill. MindCrack: MindCrack is a server Guude started in late 2010. It is a private (whitelisted) server. We are currently not accepting applications.
ranked in date views likes Comments ranked in country (#position)
2013-12-03 183,855 11,456 1,972 (Canada,#85)