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Bachelorette Winner Revealed?
122K 50 33 00:21
Bachelorette Winner Revealed?
  • Published_at:2015-10-21
  • Category:Sports
  • Channel:KIIS 1065
  • tags: bachelorette michael sacha sam frost kyle and jackie o kiis radio sydney
  • description: SPOILER ALERT!!!!! Sprung! Michael Just Accidentally Gave It Away The Body Language That Gave Away The Bachelorette Winner... The final two days of The Bachelorette have been filled with a fair share of controversy. Yesterday an update was added to Michael's wikipedia page that confirmed he had made it to the final two before the episode was aired to national television. Now, Jackie O believes that body language she witnessed in studio while she and Kyle were interviewing Sasha and Michael has given away who Sam picks in tonight's episode. Check out the video below and see if you can pick it... Think about it, if Kyle said to you, 'May the best man win' - would you put your hand up to high five the guy who didn't win? Awkward. So we think that because Michael immediately pulled up his hand to high five Sasha, it must mean that Sasha is the winner!
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