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We made a real INK DEMON Animatronic!
- Published_at:2024-05-15
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:Wicked Makers
- tags: diy animatronics wicked makers 3d printing pneumatic props pneumatic animatronic halloween animatronic diy animatronic bendy batim ink demon ink demon animatronic real ink demon real life ink demon bendy in real life ink demon in real life animatronic ink demon bendy animatronic animatronic bendy diy bendy diy ink demon diy bendy animatronic real ink demon animatronic real bendy animatronic ink demon diy ink demon bendy
- description: Jaimie and Jay make a real life INK DEMON animatronic from Bendy and the Dark Revival! AD: Enjoy 10% OFF on all Hoverpens and free shipping to most countries with code wickedmakers: North America & other countries: UK & Europe: SUBSCRIBE ► Ink Demon 3D Printing Files (and more): ► Wicked Makers T-Shirts & Merch! ► Special Thanks to: Joel Nakae (Jaimie's Dad!) ► Purgatory Props ► Ink Demon 3D Sculpt by Beardless Props ► Our Favorite 3D Printer ► Our Favorite 3D Printing Filament ► Join our Community on Discord & Facebook ► We’ve been wanting to make an animatronic of the INK Demon from ‘Bendy and the Dark Revival’ for FOREVER, but we’ve been putting it off because we had no idea how to create something so big and sculptural. Before our last project, all of our custom animatronics were either made of PVC pipes, wiper motors and servos, or were makeovers of Spirit Halloween animatronics, neither of which would be strong enough to animate the Ink Demon. When we built our Dog Day animatronic from Poppy Playtime, we were introduced to the world of pneumatics and steel frames and we knew that this was the solution. Jay got a crash course in welding from Jaimie’s dad and we got to work. We started by welding together the ink demon’s steel frame, then we covered it in a combination of pool noodles, wire, and aluminum foil to create his muscles and bones. His head was custom modeled and 3D printed, and we sculpted on top of that to give him some extra drippiness. His whole head and body were covered in black-tinted silicone to give him that inky look. Finally we added in the finishing touches like his glove and bowtie and painted his teeth. The whole thing was animated with a prop controller from Purgatory Props. Joey Drew Studios created an amazing character with the INK Demon and we hope he did him justice! We love making custom DIY Halloween animatronics, so let us know who you’d like to see us build next :) Thanks for watching and Stay Wicked, y’all! #InkDemon #Bendy #BATIM
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