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I Let My Subscribers Pick My Hair Color
- Published_at:2018-04-04
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:Safiya Nygaard
- tags: i let my subscribers pick my hair color subscribers pick my hair color viewers pick my hair color hair color hair dye safiya hair safiya hair dye grey ombre blue ombre lavender ombre natural ombre balayage salon hair dye beauty curl safiya nygaard safia safiya and tyler makeover
- description: I've never dyed my hair before, so I decided to take the plunge...and as a thank you for 4 million subscribers, I wanted to let you guys help me out with my hair makeover! So I had you vote on Twitter and on YouTube, and then went to a salon and had my hair dyed the ~mystery~ color! A big thank you once again to Natalie, you can find her here!! Don’t forget to click the bell to turn on post notifications! Safiya's Nextbeat: IG: Twitter: Facebook: Assistant Editor: Emily Linden Music Mind The Gap Challenger Sharp Dresser Magazine Retweet Mother Of All Mambos Peanut Man East Meets Beats Showtime Top Banana via Audio Network SFX Via Audioblocks
ranked in date | views | likes | Comments | ranked in country (#position) |
2018-04-06 | 3,142,878 | 214,074 | 16,574 |
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2018-04-07 | 3,388,185 | 224,775 | 17,524 |
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