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The Chosen: Last Supper Official Trailer (Season 5)
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The Chosen: Last Supper Official Trailer (Season 5)
  • Published_at:2025-02-20
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:The Chosen
  • tags: the chosen the chosen tv series bingeJesus GetUsedtoDifferent Faith-based Bible show Jesus show tv show Jesus series the bible 12 apostles bible stories bible scenes new testament season 5 chosen season 5 the last supper betrayal of jesus judas jesus jonathan roumie dallas jenkins triumphal entry garden of gethsemane turning the tables cleansing the temple money changers pharisees messiah sacrament whip jerusalem bible movie chosen season 5 trailer
  • description: The Chosen Season 5 in theaters March 28 --- I think I'm more excited to deliver this trailer than any we've done. Which isn't a coincidence because I feel the same way about Season Five as a whole. This is our most kick-butt content yet because we cover joy, pain, loyalty, betrayal, excitement, anger, sadness, and fear, sometimes within one episode. It’s Holy Week, the most impactful and famous week in human history. Jerusalem is a powder keg with all of Jesus’ followers, enemies, and over a million Passover pilgrims packed into one small place. He shows sides of Himself we’ve never seen till now—turning over tables, literally cracking the whip, and weeping with heartbreak but also love. He also confuses His followers at every turn...and to what end? The takeaway for you from this season: Can you believe and follow even when you don't understand? Yes, it’s sad and heartbreaking because we’re getting closer to the cross, but we’re also going to get to see some of the most iconic and deeply moving moments from Scripture. The triumphal entry, the turning of the tables, the betrayal by Judas, and the Last Supper...all set against the biggest backdrop and sets we've ever used with a new widescreen format that demands to be seen on the big screen. But of course, we continue our obsession to humanize and authenticate everyone involved. The table is set. I can't wait for you to see this in theaters. Dallas Jenkins Creator, The Chosen --- Learn more and get tickets: Watch The Chosen and find exclusive content free and easy on our app: Wear The Chosen gear and go deeper with our study materials: Support The Chosen by donating to the Come and See Foundation: #thechosenlastsupper #BingeJesus by subscribing to our YouTube channel: #GetUsedToDifferent by following us: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: TikTok:
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