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When Hollywood Made Two Asteroid Movies the Same Year
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When Hollywood Made Two Asteroid Movies the Same Year
  • Published_at:2025-02-10
  • Category:Film & Animation
  • Channel:PointlessHub
  • tags: PointlessHub PointlessHub Transformers PointlessHub Hollywood PointlessHub review Armageddon Movie Deep Impact movie Asteroid movie Armageddon asteroid deep impact comet armageddon michael bay michael bay pointlesshub funny review pointlesshub armageddon pointlesshub deep impact pointlesshub disaster movies Armageddon
  • description: Imagine if Earth got hit with a big ol rock. Well Hollywood imagined that. Twice. In 1998. For some reason we got two asteroid movies that year. Deep Impact and Armageddon. I think that's silly and neat. Twitter: Chapters: 00:00 Intro 01:48 Deep Impact 10:48 Armageddon 13:06 Two Wildly Different Takes 16:18 An Impossible Task 22:42 I Got A Rock 29:32 Saving the Planet 31:38 Conclusion
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