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How Marvel Heroes feel about Phase 4
903K 80K 8.1K 11:16
How Marvel Heroes feel about Phase 4
  • Published_at:2019-07-26
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:RDCworld1
  • tags: How marvel heroes feel about phase 4 how other marvel heroes feel rdc marvel rdc world 1 rdcworld1 marvel heroes marvel heroes not in endgame marvel heroes not in phase 4 blade hawkeye hawkeye phase 4 marvel phase 4 the punisher punisher marvel moon knight moon knight marvel falcon falcon captain america captain america falcon phase 4 namor phase 4 namor marvel shang-chi shang chi shang chi marvel ghost rider deadpool deadpool marvel
  • description: We had to get Every Hero's opinion about Marvel's Phase 4, and while some people are glad to get some shine others had a few things to say. Follow The Creators! @RDCWorld1 @SupremeDreams_1 @CleanUniform @L0veandPeac3 @23_Is_Leland @Ive_Ben Jammin @DylanPatel4 @PlayThatJohn
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2019-07-28 903,833 80,162 8,144 (all,#9)  (USA,#9)