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Heartwarming Reunion at the Door with a Loyal Dog
3.4M 55K 270 00:26
Heartwarming Reunion at the Door with a Loyal Dog
  • Published_at:2025-02-07
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:PetsOnly
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2025-02-14 842,121 14,146 57 (Spain,#17)  (Italy,#44)  (Poland,#19) 
2025-02-15 1,678,728 28,843 167 (Spain,#27)  (Italy,#50)  (Poland,#16)  (Russia,#43) 
2025-02-16 2,179,777 36,268 212 (Spain,#43)  (Italy,#60)  (Poland,#30)  (Russia,#84) 
2025-02-17 2,583,528 42,148 231 (Spain,#59)  (Italy,#67)  (Poland,#37)  (Russia,#118) 
2025-02-18 2,811,934 45,538 243 (Spain,#80)  (Italy,#92)  (Poland,#47) 
2025-02-19 2,983,534 48,017 247 (Italy,#109)  (Poland,#56) 
2025-02-20 3,127,514 50,530 256 (Poland,#61) 
2025-02-21 3,228,052 52,108 261 (Poland,#74) 
2025-02-22 3,330,791 53,855 266 (Poland,#86) 
2025-02-23 3,429,124 55,703 270 (Poland,#91)