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Do you know why a woman has taken 99 steps, but gave up at the last step? #shorts
34M 1.5M 6.3K 00:43
Do you know why a woman has taken 99 steps, but gave up at the last step? #shorts
  • Published_at:2021-04-20
  • Category:People & Blogs
  • Channel:XiaoLin cartoon
  • tags: #drawing​ #animation​ #artist #painting #xiaolindrawing #diy​ #story​ #craft #YearOnT #short
  • description: like and share for me. to motivate me to create more meaningful videos for everyone to see thanks for watching #xiaolin​​​​​ #drawings​​ #Art​​​​​ #drawing​​ #painting​ #shorts
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2021-05-01 27,892,447 1,202,471 4,720 (Australia,#9) 
2021-05-02 34,973,154 1,525,225 6,325 (Australia,#15)