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Best Haircut Wins $1,000!
5.3M 65K 9.6K 42:34
Best Haircut Wins $1,000!
  • Published_at:2025-03-08
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:Stay Wild
  • tags: Ben Azelart Stay Wild Stay Wild Vlogs Cam Huff Stay Wild Reacts Stay Wild Gaming
  • description: We challenged each other to see who can give the best hair cuts! The winner gets $1,000! STAY WILD REACTS: @StayWild-Reacts BEN AZELART: @BenAzelart CAM HUFF: @CamHuff NEW VIDEOS EVERY WEEK!! subscribe:)
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2025-03-10 3,166,458 44,977 6,777 (all,#17)  (Australia,#27)  (Canada,#21)  (United Kingdom,#4)  (USA,#17) 
2025-03-11 4,477,381 57,593 8,501 (all,#68)  (Australia,#53)  (Canada,#55)  (United Kingdom,#45)  (USA,#68) 
2025-03-12 5,263,100 65,263 9,551 (all,#85)  (Australia,#95)  (Canada,#72)  (United Kingdom,#65)  (USA,#85)