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Will 100 Sit-ups Every Day Get You a Sixpack?
6.3M 476K 890 01:00
Will 100 Sit-ups Every Day Get You a Sixpack?
  • Published_at:2024-01-05
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:Browney
  • tags: Workout Abs Challenge Shorts YouTube Browney Workout challenge Pushups Situps Sit ups
  • description: Will 100 Sit-ups Every Day Get You a Sixpack? #shorts Download our app and start your own 90-Day Challenge 🔥💪 Appstore: Playstore: #workout What happens when you do 100 sit ups every single day for 30 days straight? We’ve go three guys trying this challenge, a beginner with almost no workout experience, a gym bro, he’s been going to the gym for some time. And a pro, who’s basically captain America himself. And right from the start, the beginner felt a lot of pain in his abs
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