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I Tested Ronnie Coleman‘s Strength
9.1M 590K 1.8K 01:00
I Tested Ronnie Coleman‘s Strength
  • Published_at:2024-05-24
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:Browney
  • tags: browney guy in the blue shirt workout challenge viral fitness Strength impossible tester machine ronniecoleman mrolympia philheath coleman bodybuilding
  • description: I Tested Ronnie Coleman‘s Strength #shorts Download our app and start your own 90-Day Challenge 🔥💪 Appstore: Playstore: How strong is eight time Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman, at 60 years of age? By squeezing this device as hard as you can, it will show you exactly how strong you are. And I brought it to world's biggest fitness event, to test the grip strength of the biggest bodybuilders.
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