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A Bully Mocked Her Glasses but a Dog Taught Him a Lesson #shorts #dog
5.7M 121K 385 00:16
A Bully Mocked Her Glasses but a Dog Taught Him a Lesson #shorts #dog
  • Published_at:2025-02-09
  • Category:People & Blogs
  • Channel:Fabiosa Stories
  • tags: Fabiosa Fabiosa Stories karma kindness tik tok shorts funny memes tiktok funny video meme try not to laugh funny videos funny shorts funny moments try not to laugh challenge viral shorts comedy shorts yt shorts caught on camera school life teacher trending shorts if you laugh you lose random acts of kindness acts of kindness act of kindness kind you tube shorts karma lyrics funny memes dank memes unusual memes try not to laugh impossible
  • description: A shy girl was being bullied in gym class just because she wore glasses. No one stepped in, but everyone felt sorry for her. Just when things seemed hopeless, a dog ran in with a volleyball, offering her a chance to play. One by one, the other kids joined in, leaving the bully alone to watch. In the end, kindness won, and he was the only one left out! 🏐🐶 #kindness #karma #bullyingawareness #standuptobullies #schoolstory #wholesome #feelgood #dogsareawesome #volleyball #positivevibes #inspiration #viralshorts #shorts
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