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I Let The Instagram Shop Tab Pick My Outfits
3.8M 220K 17K 38:40
I Let The Instagram Shop Tab Pick My Outfits
  • Published_at:2020-11-07
  • Category:People & Blogs
  • Channel:Safiya Nygaard
  • tags: i let the instagram shop tab pick my outfits the instagram shop tab internet haul instagram ads buying an outfit from instagram ads i bought 3 outfits from the instagram shop tab i let instagram pick my outfits safiya instagram safiya internet made me buy it safiya safia safiya nygaard safiya and tyler instagram shop tab instagram instagram shop
  • description: You can download Honey for FREE today! ▸ Honey finds coupons with the click of a button. A big thank you to Honey for sponsoring today's video! Hello friends! Today, I return to the land of internet hauls and social media targeted recommendations - with a deep dive into the Instagram shop tab! Previously, I have bought things recommended to me via targeted ads on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat - and when the shop tab was rolled out - peeking its lil head out from behind the explore page - I was instantly intrigued. So I spent an evening perusing the shop tab, finding 3 different common themes of what Instagram wanted me to buy, and then purchasing those things, and trying them out. It was a WILD ride, as Instagram recommended me everything from full-on historical costumes to trendy "e-girl" fashion. Which outfit was your favorite? What's on your shop tab? Safiya's Instagram: MUSIC Via AudioNetwork
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