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2.3M 69K 11K 48:10
  • Published_at:2018-12-21
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:Brat
  • tags: brat brat holiday spectacular holiday spectacular annie leblanc annie leblanc chicken girls annie leblanc bratayley bratayley chicken girls chicken girls finale kenzie ziegler ziegler kenzie ziegler total eclipse total eclipse kenzie ziegler dance moms dance moms aliyah moulden indiana massara kelsey leon bryce xavier darius marcell evan brown skylie thompson sofie dossi matthew taylor holiday special brat holiday special mackannie
  • description: To reunite a broken family, the gang comes together at the Millwood Galleria.
ranked in date views likes Comments ranked in country (#position)
2018-12-23 1,037,698 45,748 8,159 (Ireland,#29)  (New Zealand,#20) 
2018-12-24 1,426,099 55,159 9,377 (Ireland,#24)  (New Zealand,#15) 
2018-12-25 1,807,404 62,522 10,417 (Ireland,#16)  (New Zealand,#7) 
2018-12-26 1,991,397 65,373 10,768 (Ireland,#19)  (New Zealand,#11) 
2018-12-27 2,152,960 67,986 11,106 (Ireland,#26)  (New Zealand,#15) 
2018-12-28 2,260,905 69,526 11,320 (New Zealand,#20)