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I Tried The Diva Cup
928K 47K 9.2K 13:09
I Tried The Diva Cup
  • Published_at:2017-04-09
  • Category:People & Blogs
  • Channel:Safiya Nygaard
  • tags: i tried the diva cup the diva cup diva cup menstrual cup period menstrual menstruation periods period products safiya nygaard safiya saf safiya ladylike safiya buzzfeed
  • description: The period videos are back! I tried "The Diva Cup", a reusable menstrual cup, for my period this month, and it was an ~exciting time~. Would you try a menstrual cup? I got my menstrual cup from Target, but you can find them in many places! Don’t forget to click the bell to turn on post notifications! Safiya's Nextbeat: IG: Twitter: Facebook: MUSIC Mind The Gap Mardi Gras Shaker Bossa Boogie Proceed With Caution Cautious Moments Busy Shopping Gypsy Sailor Shafted Oohs And Aahs SFX via AudioBlocks
ranked in date views likes Comments ranked in country (#position)
2017-04-11 928,494 47,151 9,157 (all,#10)  (USA,#10)