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Moving out & A new Adventure
208K 15K 784 30:25
Moving out & A new Adventure
  • Published_at:2021-02-07
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:ThatcherJoeVlogs
  • tags: joe sugg dianne buswell new house house apartment london tour moving new vlog vlog daily vlog best highlights
  • description: ►Hello, hope you're all well. I have had 4 or so amazing years in my place in London but the time has finally come to move on to pastures new. ►Follow me.. On social media..not in real life. TWITCH: INSTA: ►Dianne's channel - #newhouse #oldhouse
ranked in date views likes Comments ranked in country (#position)
2021-02-09 208,243 15,270 784 (United Kingdom,#7)