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10 Amazing Things To Expect In The HARLEY QUINN Suicide Squad Spin-Off Movie
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10 Amazing Things To Expect In The HARLEY QUINN Suicide Squad Spin-Off Movie
  • Published_at:2016-09-15
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:Screen Rant
  • tags: Top 10 harley quinn suicide squad harley quinn the joker dc movies dc comics batman batman animated series deadpool solo movies harley quinn movie movies topic movies-topic movies - topic barbara gordon poison ivy cameos references easter eggs Actor Movies Films #Films film List Education
  • description: Here are 10 awesome things that must be in the new DC movie! (Batman, The Joker, New Costumes and more!) Subscribe to our channel : Check Out CBR!: Check Out These Other Amazing Videos: Marvel's Spider-Man: Homecoming - Amazing New Movie (Fan Trailer) 10 Shocking Movie Mistakes That Slipped Into The Final Film Although the reviews of this year's Suicide Squad movie have been mixed at best, there were some aspects of the movie that were almost universally praised. One of those was Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn.The Aussie actress excelled in the role of the Joker's insane but strangely likeable girlfriend - and she looked gorgeous in the process. It's no surprise, therefore, that Warner Brothers and DC have already made plans for a spin-off solo movie for the character. That made us think about what we'd like to see going on in that movie - and that's what this video is all about. Here are 10 things we need in the Harley Quinn solo movie. Script by: Kevin Stewart @KevJStewart Voice Over by: Ryan George Edited by: Simon Gilberg @simongilberg Featuring: More About Her Origins | 0:40 Her Classic Costume | 1:08 Her Classic Weapon | 1:40 An “R” Rating | 2:07 The Joker | 2:36 Barbara Gordon | 3:06 Batman | 3:34 Poison Ivy | 4:09 Some Group Banter | 4:38 Easter Eggs and References | 5:08 Our Social Media: Our Website
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