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X-Force Joins Deadpool in Fortnite! | Fortnite
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X-Force Joins Deadpool in Fortnite! | Fortnite
  • Published_at:2020-04-17
  • Category:Gaming
  • Channel:Fortnite
  • tags: Fortnite Battle Royale Fortnite Battle Royale fortnite xforce x-force cable domino psylocke deadpool cable skin cable outfit domino skin domino outfit psylocke skin psylocke outfit cable fortnite skin cable fortnite outfit domino fortnite skin domino fortnite outfit psylocke fortnite skin psylocke fortnite outfit deadpool fortnite fortnite deadpool fortnite cable fortnite domino fortnite psylocke marvel fortnite xforce fortnite x-force epic games
  • description: Psylocke, Domino, and Cable make their appearances and join Deadpool in Fortnite! Head to the Item Shop to grab them now. X-Force! That is right all you rapscallions, criminals and ne’er-do-wells. Ha. Ne’er-do-wellers. Better be careful because one of the greatest mutant teams ever just landed in the world of Fortnite. Did you really think Deadpool could do it all by himself? Well, yes he probably could, but maximum effort requires -- well maximum effort. The X-Force team members joining Deadpool in Fortnite are Cable, Domino and Psylocke. Ohhhh all the bad guys in Fortnite have no idea what’s coming. And it’s time the Merc put his money where his Mouth is! Watch this video to see how these new Fortnite X-Force Outfits look. Then fire up Fortnite and head to the Item Store and claim Cable, Psylocke, or Domino. Or get them all! Then, party up and roll teams for a Victory Royale as one beautiful X-Force squad repping each team member. The Fortnite X-Force Outfits are available now in the Item Shop! Play Fortnite Battle Royale, the completely free 100-player PvP mode. One giant map, A Battle Bus, Last one standing wins. ESRB Rating: Teen with Violence. Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Learn More: #Fortnite #XForce #Deadpool #Cable, #Psylocke #Domino
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