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asking my boyfriend's best friend awkward questions
151K 11K 309 09:03
asking my boyfriend's best friend awkward questions
  • Published_at:2020-10-18
  • Category:People & Blogs
  • Channel:kate elisabeth
  • tags: Kate Elisabeth Kate Kate Elizabeth Boarding School Lifestyle Comedy Acne night routine university tiktok school holiday prom makeup asking awkward questions asking my boyfriends best friend awkward questions elmo films
  • description: this got very awkward very quickly…. featuring @Elmo Films :) I use a canon g7x and edit on final cut pro love y’all if you’ve read this far comment: ‘omg poor spencer’ sign up for airbnb here n get £34 off ur first stay: Socials: ♡ Instagram: @kateelisabethxo Snapchat & Twitter: @kateelisaxo TikTok: @kateelisabethh lifestyle YouTuber who loves sushi lol every subscriber means the world to me, so hit up that subscribe button if ya wanna see a new video from me every Sunday:)))))))))
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2020-10-19 77,812 8,274 212 (United Kingdom,#12) 
2020-10-20 151,693 11,498 309 (United Kingdom,#21)