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Official Destiny: Rise of Iron Reveal Trailer
681K 14K 5.5K 01:47
Official Destiny: Rise of Iron Reveal Trailer
  • Published_at:2016-06-09
  • Category:Gaming
  • Channel:destinygame
  • tags: Destiny
  • description: Destiny: Rise of Iron is the next expansion to the Destiny universe. It features an all new cinematic story campaign set within The Plaguelands, a brand new location on Earth along with new weapons, armor, gear along and a six-player cooperative raid. Destiny: Rise of Iron launches September 20th, 2016. Requires Destiny game and The Taken King (includes Expansions I & II). Sold separately. Pre-order Destiny: Rise of Iron and get the black and silver Iron Gjallarhorn Rocker Launcher: Keep up with all of the latest information by following Destiny on Facebook ( and on Twitter (@DestinytheGame and @Bungie).
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2016-06-11 681,223 14,084 5,485 (all,#21)  (USA,#21)