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The Most Amazing Day
158K 13K 1.3K 03:47
The Most Amazing Day
  • Published_at:2016-05-31
  • Category:People & Blogs
  • Channel:vlogbrothers
  • tags: afc wimbledon vlogbrothers sports soccer football racing cars automobiles indy 500 indianapolis 500 race cars travel travelogue wimbly womblys tourism england wembley london airplanes air travel flying
  • description: In which John has an extraordinary 36 hours, beginning with a bike ride to the Indianapolis 500 and culminating a day later at Wembley stadium in London, where AFC Wimbledon, the fourth* tier English soccer team sponsored by nerdfighteria... well, just watch the video. Thanks to Radio WDON for their brilliant commentary. Subscribe to them to support the club and get radio coverage of every match: Thanks also to my dad, Rosianna, my friend Stuart Hyatt, and Wimbly Womblys editor Meredith for coming along for a long and exhausting but very very very very fun ride. * JUST KIDDING; THIRD TIER! And now, I am going to bed. ---- Subscribe to our newsletter! And join the community at Help transcribe videos - John's twitter - John's tumblr - Hank's twitter - Hank's tumblr -
ranked in date views likes Comments ranked in country (#position)
2016-06-02 158,223 13,828 1,263 (all,#22)  (USA,#22)