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Macro Pupil Constricting in Slow Motion - The Slow Mo Guys
2.3M 103K 5.0K 08:16
Macro Pupil Constricting in Slow Motion - The Slow Mo Guys
  • Published_at:2019-01-15
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:The Slow Mo Guys
  • tags: slomo slow mo super motion Slow Motion 1000 1000fps gav dan slowmoguys phantom guys HD flex gavin free gavin free high speed camera the slow mo guys 2000 2000fps 5000 5000fps speed of pupil dilation dilation speed dilation pupil speed dialation iris eyeball eye ball constriction macro macro eye Macro Pupil Constricting in Slow Motion pupil constricting slow mo eye
  • description: British people are not known for great eye contact, but Gav steps up his game by looking deeply into Dan's eyes... From about 2 millimeters away to find out how quickly a pupil constricts. Follow us on Instagram! The Speed of Pupil Dilation - The Slow Mo Guys Filmed at 1000fps and 500fps with a Phantom Flex 4K
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