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458K 32K 1.2K 03:04
  • Published_at:2020-02-24
  • Category:Music
  • Channel:Apache 207 - Topic
  • tags: Apache 207 Matrix
  • description: Provided to YouTube by Sony Music Entertainment Matrix · Apache 207 Matrix ℗ 2020 TwoSides under exclusive license to FOUR MUSIC PRODUCTIONS GmbH a Sony Music Entertainment company Released on: 2020-02-24 Composer: Luis Cruz Composer: Jennifer Allendoerfer Producer: Lucry Producer: Suena Lyricist: Volkan Yaman Mastering Engineer, Mixing Engineer: Lex Barkey Auto-generated by YouTube.
ranked in date views likes Comments ranked in country (#position)
2020-02-26 122,138 15,066 647 (Germany,#3) 
2020-02-27 322,408 26,378 1,002 (Germany,#7) 
2020-02-28 458,198 32,113 1,170 (Germany,#21)