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'Neigh'-bour visits Cheshire Police HQ
512K 595 101 00:49
'Neigh'-bour visits Cheshire Police HQ
  • Published_at:2014-10-09
  • Category:Education
  • Channel:CheshirePolice
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  • description: The Constabulary encourages contact from a wide variety of different communities and an interesting visitor recently stepped through the doors of its HQ from a very rural community. During the early hours of the morning on Monday 6th of October, a local resident decided to check out Police HQ and was captured on CCTV. Security staff at HQ were quick off the mark to greet a horse that had decided to investigate the reception area of Police Headquarters on Oakmere Road, Winsford. The brown and white horse resides in a field near the building, and was monitored entering the grounds before being safety escorted off the premises retuning it to its official residence. Superintendent Peter Crowcroft said “We were somewhat saddled with our unexpected guest, who in the early hours of the morning quickly became the mane event of the night shift. We like to ensure a warm welcome to all our guests at HQ, and at neigh point did the horse pose a risk to security and appeared to be a well cared for animal"
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