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1 Subscriber = 1 Meal Donated
13M 1.0M 74K 00:22
1 Subscriber = 1 Meal Donated
  • Published_at:2025-02-21
  • Category:People & Blogs
  • Channel:Nick DiGiovanni
  • tags: Chef Cook Learn To Cook Cooking Food MasterChef Gordon Ramsay MrBeast Recipes Healthy Kitchen Restaurant Grill Grilling Seafood Meat Steak United States India Spanish International Global Cuisine
  • description: For the next 24 hours, 1 new subscriber = 1 meal donated. Subscribing is easy, and free, so let's see how many meals we can donate together. @ChefRush
ranked in date views likes Comments ranked in country (#position)
2025-02-23 6,882,856 646,979 54,789 (Ireland,#11)  (Netherlands,#8)  (New Zealand,#4)  (Sweden,#7) 
2025-02-24 8,139,894 727,615 59,714 (Ireland,#13)  (Netherlands,#11)  (New Zealand,#3)  (Philippines,#23)  (Sweden,#11) 
2025-02-25 8,509,891 754,983 61,285 (Ireland,#15)  (Netherlands,#19)  (New Zealand,#5)  (Philippines,#25)  (Sweden,#15) 
2025-02-26 9,187,433 796,239 63,640 (Ireland,#15)  (Netherlands,#24)  (New Zealand,#7)  (Philippines,#33)  (Sweden,#19) 
2025-02-27 9,927,169 832,309 65,688 (Ireland,#22)  (Netherlands,#28)  (New Zealand,#10)  (Philippines,#37)  (Sweden,#25) 
2025-02-28 10,215,953 847,570 66,546 (Ireland,#24)  (Netherlands,#34)  (New Zealand,#11)  (Philippines,#41)  (Sweden,#28) 
2025-03-01 10,508,173 861,699 67,348 (Ireland,#27)  (Netherlands,#41)  (New Zealand,#14)  (Philippines,#45)  (Sweden,#34) 
2025-03-02 10,984,718 884,430 68,452 (Ireland,#38)  (Netherlands,#51)  (New Zealand,#22)  (Philippines,#53)  (Sweden,#41) 
2025-03-03 11,417,535 905,332 69,465 (Ireland,#47)  (Netherlands,#58)  (New Zealand,#32)  (Philippines,#63)  (Sweden,#51) 
2025-03-04 11,577,175 913,191 69,884 (Ireland,#45)  (Netherlands,#64)  (New Zealand,#34)  (Philippines,#67)  (Sweden,#53) 
2025-03-05 11,738,157 920,915 70,272 (Ireland,#47)  (Netherlands,#67)  (New Zealand,#33)  (Philippines,#82)  (Sweden,#55) 
2025-03-06 11,931,039 930,608 70,720 (Ireland,#52)  (Netherlands,#75)  (New Zealand,#35)  (Philippines,#86)  (Sweden,#61) 
2025-03-07 12,103,785 939,707 71,146 (Ireland,#55)  (Netherlands,#80)  (New Zealand,#37)  (Sweden,#62) 
2025-03-08 12,381,477 954,694 71,821 (Ireland,#61)  (New Zealand,#40)  (Sweden,#66) 
2025-03-09 12,837,743 980,186 72,812 (Ireland,#68)  (New Zealand,#46)  (Sweden,#73) 
2025-03-10 13,221,790 1,003,220 73,641 (Ireland,#74)  (New Zealand,#55)  (Sweden,#77) 
2025-03-11 13,467,100 1,017,462 74,124 (Ireland,#76)  (New Zealand,#56)  (Sweden,#81)