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"MORE WALKING (AND TALKING) DEAD: PART 2" - A Bad Lip Reading of The Walking Dead Season 4
1.1M 32K 2.0K 05:25
"MORE WALKING (AND TALKING) DEAD: PART 2" - A Bad Lip Reading of The Walking Dead Season 4
  • Published_at:2014-10-10
  • Category:Comedy
  • Channel:Bad Lip Reading
  • tags:
  • description: Rick is pretty sure that's not a thing... Like on Facebook! Follow on Twitter!
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2014-10-12 272,469 19,520 1,040 (United Kingdom,#22) 
2014-10-14 509,105 25,395 1,208 (Australia,#67)  (Canada,#54)  (United Kingdom,#82) 
2014-10-15 657,461 27,440 1,441 (Australia,#53)  (Canada,#83) 
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