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I painted a mural on my bedroom wall
863K 91K 8.1K 13:32
I painted a mural on my bedroom wall
  • Published_at:2019-11-03
  • Category:Comedy
  • Channel:Joana Ceddia
  • tags:
  • description: THE JOANA CEDDIA BOX NOW AVAILABLE: JOANA SWEATER NOW AVAILABLE: What happens when I move out? I have severe attachment issues so how am I expected to cut this wall out of my parents house and take it with me to my humble new abode? I should have thought that through more, shouldn't I? Instagram: Twitter: If you want to translate the video: Current sub count: 3,043,988 With love, Jicki Cinaj (or jinki cinjaj if you are more vine fluent)
ranked in date views likes Comments ranked in country (#position)
2019-11-04 863,971 91,439 8,084 (all,#14)  (Canada,#16)  (USA,#14)