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Jaden Smith - Fast (Official Music Video)
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Jaden Smith - Fast (Official Music Video)
  • Published_at:2014-10-06
  • Category:Music
  • Channel:SamboSliceBeats
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  • description: Another day, another unexpected release from Jaden Smith. The 16-year-old actor/rapper just dropped a short video called "Fast," which features Smith taking a stroll through the city at night, as well as wigging out in a parking garage for a few scenes. Even if his lyrics don't necessary paint the cleanest picture (Actually, I'm a catastrophe/Go to your school and then ask for me/I'm in your class making cash"), he's certainly got a fiery flow that could covert some non-believers. He also raps about wanting to hook up with a girl in the verse. Interesting, since he tweeted at Kylie Jenner when the video came out. Jaden Smith - Fast (Official Music Video) Jaden Smith - Fast (Official Music Video) Jaden Smith - Fast (Official Music Video) Jaden Smith - Fast (Official Music Video) Jaden Smith - Fast (Official Music Video) Jaden Smith - Fast (Official Music Video) Jaden Smith - Fast (Official Music Video) Jaden Smith - Fast (Official Music Video) Jaden Smith - Fast (Official Music Video) Jaden Smith - Fast (Official Music Video)
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