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Trump Lies on Twitter During a Congressional Hearing on His Twitter Lies: The Daily Show
2.3M 31K 5.4K 03:49
Trump Lies on Twitter During a Congressional Hearing on His Twitter Lies: The Daily Show
  • Published_at:2017-03-21
  • Category:Comedy
  • Channel:The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
  • tags: the daily show trevor noah daily show with trevor noah new trevor noah show comedy central politics the daily show episodes Donald Trump Trump administration FBI NSA elections investigations scandals Russia Twitter Congress trials/hearings lying late night talk show hosts comedy central stand up comedy comedians comedy central comedians comedy funny comedian funny video comedy videos stand up videos funny jokes funny clips hilarious videos hilarious clips
  • description: While the FBI and NSA clear Barack Obama on Donald Trump's baseless wiretapping charges, the president takes to Twitter to push more blatant falsehoods. Watch full episodes of The Daily Show now -- for free: The Daily Show with Trevor Noah airs weeknights at 11/10c on Comedy Central.
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