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Reflections Real-Time Ray Tracing Demo | Project Spotlight | Unreal Engine
938K 8.4K 738 01:05
Reflections Real-Time Ray Tracing Demo | Project Spotlight | Unreal Engine
  • Published_at:2018-03-21
  • Category:Gaming
  • Channel:Unreal Engine
  • tags: Unreal Engine Epic Games UE4 Unreal Game Engine Game Dev Game Development
  • description: Peek into the future of real-time computer graphics with “Reflections,” the first demonstration of real-time raytracing in Unreal Engine 4 using Microsoft’s new DXR framework and NVIDIA RTX technology for Volta GPUs. The Reflections demo illustrates the next-gen experimental lighting and rendering techniques in Unreal Engine, developed in collaboration with NVIDIA and ILMxLAB. Learn more and download Unreal at
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2018-03-24 662,318 5,427 488 (United Kingdom,#15) 
2018-03-25 803,874 7,017 609 (United Kingdom,#20) 
2018-03-26 873,172 7,845 656 (United Kingdom,#22) 
2018-03-27 938,013 8,423 738 (United Kingdom,#24)