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Shah Rukh Khan | AB Workout | Exercise | SRK Rock Solid
1.7M 6.4K 742 00:42
Shah Rukh Khan | AB Workout | Exercise | SRK Rock Solid
  • Published_at:2014-09-23
  • Category:Film & Animation
  • Channel:Red Chillies Entertainment
  • tags:
  • description: You've seen the pictures. Now see the man himself, Shah Rukh Khan, pump iron and build a rock solid, enviable physique on the sets of Happy New Year!
ranked in date views likes Comments ranked in country (#position)
2014-09-25 177,797 2,548 270 (Germany,#93)  (United Kingdom,#28)  (India,#9) 
2014-09-26 421,777 3,452 365 (Australia,#100)  (Canada,#40)  (Germany,#78)  (United Kingdom,#39)  (India,#4) 
2014-09-27 716,297 4,091 455 (Canada,#62)  (India,#4) 
2014-09-28 881,325 4,520 512 (India,#3) 
2014-09-29 1,078,518 4,957 558 (India,#2) 
2014-09-30 1,228,460 5,273 611 (India,#3) 
2014-10-01 1,333,228 5,501 641 (India,#2) 
2014-10-02 1,413,053 5,673 655 (India,#7) 
2014-10-03 1,465,148 5,801 662 (India,#8) 
2014-10-04 1,513,901 5,894 671 (India,#10) 
2014-10-05 1,562,633 5,994 712 (India,#11) 
2014-10-06 1,601,288 6,107 719 (India,#11) 
2014-10-07 1,637,549 6,187 726 (India,#6) 
2014-10-11 1,707,412 6,355 737 (India,#48) 
2014-10-12 1,722,690 6,382 742 (India,#70) 
2014-10-13 1,734,538 6,406 742 (India,#85)