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Dalton Harris sings California Dreamin’ | Live Shows Week 4 | The X Factor UK 2018
548K 19K 0 02:37
Dalton Harris sings California Dreamin’ | Live Shows Week 4 | The X Factor UK 2018
  • Published_at:2018-11-10
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:The X Factor UK
  • tags: the x factor x factor X factor UK x factor 2018 simon cowell robbie williams auditions judges season 15 series 15 X Factor UK 2018 X Factor 2018 audition The x factor 2018 XFactor 2018 louis Tomlinson Ayda Field dalton harris california dreamin mamas and papas the x factor live shows
  • description: Visit the official site: With another chance to showcase his incredible vocal range, Dalton Harris treated the X Factor Judges to a breathtaking rendition of the Mamas and Papas’s hit, California Dreamin’. SUBSCRIBE: Facebook: Twitter: Download The X Factor mobile app: Watch full episodes on ITV Hub (UK ONLY):
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2018-11-12 358,828 15,027 0 (all,#8)  (USA,#8) 
2018-11-13 548,540 19,169 0 (all,#16)  (Canada,#18)  (USA,#16)