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Cristiano Ronaldo speaks to Juventus TV before Atletico Madrid return leg
270K 18K 1.6K 01:49
Cristiano Ronaldo speaks to Juventus TV before Atletico Madrid return leg
  • Published_at:2019-03-10
  • Category:Sports
  • Channel:Juventus
  • tags: Cristiano Ronaldo Ronaldo CR7 #CR7JUVE Ronaldo Juventus Ronaldo Juve Cristiano Ronaldo Juventus Cristiano Ronaldo Juve Ronaldo Goals Ronaldo Champions League Cristiano Ronaldo Champion League Champions League UEFA Champions League Juventus Juve Juventus News Juve News Juventus Notizie Juve Notizie
  • description: Cristiano Ronaldo is ready. And you? Watch the full exclusive interview on Juventus TV ➡️ #GETREADY TO COMEBACK! #JuveAtleti #UCL 📹 Subscribe here to our YouTube channel: Founded in 1897, Juventus Football Club is the most successful team in Italy, with a rich history of winning and hundreds of millions of fans worldwide. 📲 Follow on: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: 💻 Visit our website:
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2019-03-12 270,005 18,002 1,620 (Italy,#24)