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I Tried Edible FLUID ART On A Cake
1.0M 35K 6.0K 14:30
I Tried Edible FLUID ART On A Cake
  • Published_at:2020-02-22
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:Gloom
  • tags: fluid art paint pouring flow art pour painting fluid painting abstract art gloom gloomgames kassie gloom tries gloom tries painting painting art painting tutorial i followed a painting tutorial getting frustrated with painting paint with me painting hack 2020 painting technique techniques interesting pretty painting a cake cake painting food painting coloring food cake decorating cake tutorial cake ideas satisfying cake
  • description: Pour painting was once on a canvas, then on a mop, now it's a confetti cake because I was hungry and needed this to be beautiful and oddly satisfying. Uh.... what do you think? SUBSCRIBE HERE: My INSTAGRAM: My TWITTER: My DISCORD SERVER (13 and up only): MERCH: WATCH MY HORRIBLE BITLIVES: My TIK TOK is @gloomdog, here's a link: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm Kassie, also known as Gloom! I'm a variety gamer who does gameplay commentary on indie games and some bigger titles too. I also do silly sketches, challenges, Q&As, and whatever makes you goof balls giggle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I do my best to upload at a few times a week (unless my life is a mess).
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