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RWC21 - Black Ferns beat France in RWC semi-final
21K 0 0 01:14
RWC21 - Black Ferns beat France in RWC semi-final
  • Published_at:2022-11-05
  • Category:Sports
  • Channel:Spark Sport
  • tags: Spark Sport
  • description: What an ending! 🌿 New Zealand beat France to book themselves a spot in the Rugby World Cup Final. #EveryMomentMatters #SparkSport #RWC21
ranked in date views likes Comments ranked in country (#position)
2022-11-07 18,359 0 0 (New Zealand,#9) 
2022-11-08 20,425 0 0 (New Zealand,#10) 
2022-11-09 21,190 0 0 (New Zealand,#13) 
2022-11-10 21,475 0 0 (New Zealand,#20) 
2022-11-11 21,636 0 0 (New Zealand,#25)