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Valentine's day - A Single's Conclusion
741K 46K 2.5K 12:10
Valentine's day - A Single's Conclusion
  • Published_at:2018-02-14
  • Category:Comedy
  • Channel:Jump Cuts
  • tags: Jump cuts Jumpcuts Tamil comedy Tamil Comedy Videos jumpcuts valentines day jumpcuts lovers day jumpcuts singles jumpcuts valentines troll jumpcuts lovers day comedy hari baskar videos jumpcuts naresh jumpcuts tamil comedy videos jumpcuts comedy jumpcuts latest videos jumpcuts new videos jumpcuts tamil comedy videos tamil comedy jump cuts tamil boys vs girls naresh funny videos entertainment deleted scenes mom and daughter comedy videos
  • description: Jump Cuts is a Tamil entertainment group by Hari and Naresh. We love telling our stories that we have came across in our life, friends, neighborhood and bring it to you in our own way through the jump cut editing ✂️. We are here to entertain and if you like us, do share, like and subscribe Follow us on Facebook : Follow us on Instagram : jump_cuts Follow us on Twitter : @jumpcuts7 Thank you keep supporting J U M P C U T S
ranked in date views likes Comments ranked in country (#position)
2018-02-15 481,883 39,348 2,246 (India,#24) 
2018-02-16 741,897 46,746 2,550 (India,#28)