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Pug goes crazy in his first ball pit!
1.7M 0 0 00:38
Pug goes crazy in his first ball pit!
  • Published_at:2014-09-02
  • Category:Pets & Animals
  • Channel:xoxo
  • tags:
  • description: Grover the Pug's first time in a ball pit! To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email We filled his playpen with plastic balls and his favorite toys and waited to see what happened - this was the result. Music:
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2014-09-05 302,939 0 0 (Australia,#13)  (Canada,#28) 
2014-09-06 570,011 0 0 (Australia,#11)  (Canada,#23) 
2014-09-07 851,249 0 0 (all,#43)  (Australia,#10)  (Canada,#42)  (USA,#43) 
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2014-09-15 1,643,131 0 0 (Australia,#54) 
2014-09-16 1,699,682 0 0 (Australia,#72) 
2014-09-17 1,733,675 0 0 (Australia,#95)