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I Gave 10 HORRIBLE or AWESOME Gifts to Random Coworkers!
560K 49K 2.6K 24:00
I Gave 10 HORRIBLE or AWESOME Gifts to Random Coworkers!
  • Published_at:2019-10-01
  • Category:Comedy
  • Channel:DOPE or NOPE
  • tags: top 5 top 10 trending funny comedy laugh try not to laugh presents games reacting to fails friendship best friend friends amazon amazon prime day prime expensive cheap random absurd funny videos funny fails matthias dope or nope reviews unboxing competition gift gifted surprise funny video hi5 studios lol review
  • description: 10 Prank Products Your Friends Won't See Coming! ➡ 10 Products That'll UPGRADE Your Summer! ➡ Hello Friends! It isn't exactly Christmas time yet BUT we were in the spirit of giving! Today's video is wild one because we bought 10 different products within a variety of price ranges and gifted them to our friends here at the office! However, theres a catch in which we played a good 'ole fashioned game of white elephant! If you aren't sure what white elephant is, check out today's video to see how the game is played and how someone could lose their gift! TWITTER ➡ INSTAGRAM ➡ If you want to watch videos from Hi5 Studios, consider checking out these awesome videos by other channels in our network! Battle Universe ➡ Get Good Gaming ➡ Totally Trendy ➡
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2019-10-03 560,331 49,403 2,629 (all,#12)  (Canada,#15)  (United Kingdom,#19)  (USA,#12)