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क्या ये बच्चा एटीएम से पैसे लेकर घर वापस आ पायेगा 😨 #trending #emotional #roja #ramzanmubarak
5.9M 239K 171 01:52
क्या ये बच्चा एटीएम से पैसे लेकर घर वापस आ पायेगा 😨 #trending #emotional #roja #ramzanmubarak
  • Published_at:2025-03-08
  • Category:Film & Animation
  • Channel:Yunus Khan
  • tags:
  • description: क्या ये बच्चा एटीएम से पैसे लेकर घर वापस आ पायेगा 😨 #trending #emotional #roja #ramzanmubarak Disclaimer. Any weapons such as gun etc shown in the video are fake and for demonstration/Entertainment purpose only. We don't support any involvement with dangerous objects Follow YouTube community guidelines..
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2025-03-11 4,063,661 170,647 114 (Pakistan,#16) 
2025-03-12 5,928,523 239,602 171 (Pakistan,#13)