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My Hair Transplant Journey 💇🏽
398K 20K 706 23:47
My Hair Transplant Journey 💇🏽
  • Published_at:2025-02-13
  • Category:People & Blogs
  • Channel:Karthik Surya
  • tags: karthik surya malayalam vlog kerala kerala vlog trivandrum ernakulam malayalam entertainment entertainment comedy peoples and blog
  • description: This is the story of how I got my hair transplanted. For any details regarding transplant contact @cutisinternationaldermatol8906 ill list their contacts below For package details, kindly contact us. ☎️ Trivandrum +91 9745433344 ☎️ Kochi +91 91881 02030 ☎️ Calicut +91 7994233344 ☎️ Kottakkal +91 9656933344 ☎️ Bangalore +91 9980001291 ☎️ Hyderabad +91 73566 33344 ☎️ Dubai UAE +971 508922720 ☎️ Oman +968 96675109 ☎️ UK +44 7553 083080 ➤ Editing: * * ➤ My Tags #karthiksurya #hairtransplant #cutisinternational
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2025-02-15 398,251 20,457 706 (India,#102)